Tuesday, January 29, 2019


"I want a window with a view," I whined to my husband as I stared at a windowless wall of my house.  On the other side of that wall, I knew was a glorious sunrise.  It wasn't my finest moment.  I could have moved my lazy self to a different room to watch the day awake.  But my chair was cozy and it was easier to wish for what wasn't.  Later (and after I had come to my senses!), I gazed out the window at the lightening sky and was reminded how foundational perspective is.  See, from that window, I could either focus on the houses and traffic outside, or I could look beyond to the majestic fir trees on the backdrop of a warm morning sky with its gradient of soft yellows and blues.  What would I choose?

The other day I pulled into the parking lot of a nature park.  I had packed my breakfast and was going spend my few spare minutes allowing my soul to refill before the day crowded in, even if it meant doing so from the front seat of my minivan.  My gaze took in the towering trees, the falling leaves indicating winter was on its way, the flitting birds, the outhouse.  Yes, outhouse.  And the matter of perspective came crashing in once again.  There, with a bowl of oatmeal on my lap, I realized that I had a choice.  I could set my vision in one direction and see beauty and glory and God's handiwork.  Or I could turn the other direction and see the toilet.  My circumstances didn't change.  Either way, I was seated in the same position, same minivan, same oatmeal, same to-do list.  The only thing that changed my view was my direction of focus.

What will you focus on today?  I recommend the trees, not the toilet!